The twentieth century witnessed the greatest human progress in terms of modern inventions. Although the earth contains a huge population that it has never held before, this progress also saw forms of genocide due to disease. It is this way that progress has been undone. Moreover, if progress is to be achieved, and problems to be overcome, there is no other way than studying the problem then coming up with a solution.
Commentator: Some orientalists claim that death is final for the carcasses of cows, sheep and birds. Why should we mention Allah’s name when slaughtering animals in order for them to be eaten? Does the speechless animal which is about to die understand Arabic or any other language?
They also say that we, the people of the East, are overly superstitious and that we do not understand nor do we have knowledge about a great many things. What is the use of mentioning the name of Allah over the carcass which suffers the pain of slaughtering, since it has no consciousness or understanding? Is pronouncing the name of Allah over the dead body no more than a religious ceremony or ritual? Has it a great effect, and is there a strict scientific basis or rule on which this is based? First let us turn to individuals, let us obtain some opinions and viewpoints concerning the importance of this practice of using Allah’s name when slaughtering animals.
Report: “I eat it when I know that the words ‘Allah is Greater’ were pronounced over it, but I do not eat it when I know this did not take place.”
“It is according to the intention. We should not eat it if the butcher intentionally neglected to mention Allah’s name, but if it was unintentional then we can eat.”
“According to the religious view it is necessary to do this, whilst according to science it is not.”
“There isn’t a problem if man has forgotten, but it would be forbidden if he had intended to neglect this.”
“Since he has pronounced the words ‘Allah is Greater’ over the first carcass, it means he has the intention for all.”
“It is necessary to pronounce the words ‘Allah is Greater’ over each carcass, but if they were gathered in one place, he can slaughter the whole, pronouncing this word once over them all.”
“There isn’t any problem if he mentions the words ‘Allah is Greater’ to himself, but it is better if he pronounces it loudly.”
“It is reported in the book ‘Ways of Peace’ by Al-Imam Al-Sana’ani that the Lady Aisha (peace be upon her) said: “O Messenger of Allah, there are some people who bring us meat but we do not know if Allah’s name was pronounced over it or not.” The Prophet answered: “Mention you the name of Allah over it, then eat.”
Commentator: Yet pronouncing the statement “In the Name of God, Allah is Greater” over birds and cattle when they are slaughtered is related to heavenly statutes and divine commands which prophets and messengers have informed their people of, isn’t it?
Professor Abdul Qadir: “Yes of course, mentioning the name of Allah loudly over the carcasses when slaughtering is part of all heavenly religions. The people of scripture do not eat that over which God’s name was not pronounced, and this is also the way of Muslim believers.
Since we are of one origin, our master Adam, so religions are also of one origin. The Quran refers to this when it says: “Mankind were one nation.” No one was a denier of God’s book, but there were some who were obedient and others who were not. “Then Allah sent forth his prophets to give good news”, to the obedient, “and to warn” the disobedient. (Al Baqara, v.213)
The following verse reveals that religion has one origin when God says: “He has ordained for you the religion he has revealed to you – Mohamed – and formerly enjoined Noah and Abraham, Moses and Jesus, saying “Establish the religion and be united in it”. (Ash–Shura, v.13)
So the Quranic verses related to pronouncing the words ‘Allah is Greater’ are repeated eight times. This evidently indicates that the matter is of great importance and seriousness.
Commentator: We have got to the worst time where pronouncing the statement ‘In the Name of God, Allah is Greater’ over the carcasses has disappeared due to negligence, people ignore the purpose and wisdom beyond their own aggrandizement. But God’s will keeps on trying to restore the oblivious people to the true path. Therefore, the cry of the great scholar Mohamed Amin Sheikho sounds out of holy Damascus, and spreads all over the world inviting people to adhere to the practice of mentioning Allah’s name when slaughtering animals. They must simply say ‘Allah is Greater’ over each carcass. Then the miracles will happen.
Today we stand before the medical fact of pronouncing ‘In the Name of God, Allah is Greater’ over carcasses when slaughtering. It is mentioned in a unique scientific research project unveiled by a group of physicians. They have fought deadly germs through science, driving away the darkness of ignorance and superstition. They have also removed the ignorance that covered the legacy of the heavenly religions.
The importance of pronouncing these words over the carcasses and the general ignorance about this impelled Professor Abdul Qadir Al-Dayrani to bring up this subject in a modern scientific and academic light showing the necessity of this practice to human society. He received his training from the Arabian scholar M. A. Sheikho, whose work on the Quran is published in his book “Interpretation of the Great Quran”.
Therefore, Professor Al-Dayrani set out to talk to renowned scholars, professors a doctors specialized in this field. An agreement was made to perform comprehensive research to completely cover the subject.
Professor Abdul-Qadir: We have held many medical meetings with doctors where I have told them that M.A. Sheikho had demonstrated a discovery useful for everyone, for us and our children, more than forty years ago. Pronouncing the words ‘Allah is Greater’ over a carcass relaxes it and puts an end to its suffering from diseases, germs and bacteria.
Whenever a verse in the Quran mentioned carcasses, such as “Do not eat of that over which the name of Allah was not pronounced”, Sheikho set to clarify for us that the carcass could be eaten only when this practice occurred, whereas if it was not, the carcass would not be in a fit state to eat.
Dr Yacob: We have devised a schedule including all the points to be discussed and studied according to the latest modern scientific methods. An agenda has been arranged to study this case with its results and to ascertain scientifically an outcome that removes all doubts and ends all arguments. After the meeting of the scientific team which approved the plan and the steps to take, the project began.
First, the team began visiting slaughterhouses where the killing was performed in order to take samples of different meat in order that various medical and scientific tests could be achieved. Then, they would be examined so as to show if any real effect of pronouncing the words ‘In the Name of God, Allah is Greater’ had occurred.
Commentator: At the beginning, the research team were sceptical regarding this subject, but as soon as the primary results began to come in, they were astonished. They then acted with great interest, and the flood of surprise did not stop during the remaining time of study and research. The results appeared to be incredible, but they were real.
Mentioning Allah’s name had a discernible effect in sterilising the meat, as well as releasing the blood. On the contrary, the meat over which the words had not been pronounced was full of germs, and congested with blood.
Dr Darem: At first, it was impossible for man to imagine that this statement, ‘In the Name of God, Allah is Greater’, had such an effect. But when the scientific team saw the findings and the results of the laboratory analysis, we found that it really was a matter deserving amazement and admiration.
Dr Mohra: In fact, these findings were surprising for the medical team who performed these studies.
Dr Anwar: Actually, pronouncing the name of Allah over the carcass when slaughtering resulted in unexpected findings.
Dr Ibrahim Al-Rifa’ei: this study, which drew the attention of the medical team, is regarded as one of the first such studies in Syria. In fact, it is one of the first such studies in the whole world.
Commentator: The researchers followed the most advanced medical and scientific methods adopted in the most developed international academies for studying the effect of this statement over the carcasses of animals.
Dr Nabeel: We have executed a scientific germ study on a sample of calf meat slaughtered according to God’s statute, i.e. pronouncing the statement ‘In the Name of God, Allah is Greater’, and on a sample of meat which did not have this done. We also performed another germ study on a chicken slaughtered whilst mentioning the statement, and on another without this happening.
We took small pieces of the samples according to the technique, and placed each one in a mixture of 10% Dettol solution, so as to sterilize the whole surface and avoid the accusation that microbiological pollution had resulted from germs surrounding the surface. After an hour of soaking, we took these samples of the calf and chicken and placed them in a thio-glycolat solution, after which they were stored in a heater for 24 hours.
The first event of note was that there was no observable microbiological growth at all in any of the meat pieces over which the divine statement had been pronounced, so that the solution appeared disinfected and clear. As for the chicken and the calf slaughtered without the statement, a significant increase in germs was seen in the thio-glycolat solution, which seemed to be turbid. After 24 hours we removed some of these cultures and placed them in three solid culture solutions. The first one was the nutritive Agar, the second was Blood Base Agar, containing bacilli of negative gram, and the third contained EMB.
After 48 hours it was noticed that the cultures which contained the samples on which Allah’s name had been pronounced were completely sterilized, that is they had a sterility of more than 99%. As for the samples over which the divine statement was not mentioned, a great abundance of microbiological growth could be seen.
Dr Saed: First we noticed on the Blood Base Agar solution a great growth in germs, especially the staphylococcus which dissolves the blood in addition to the streptococcus which also performs this function, and many other kinds of positive grame cocci.
We also noticed in the second solution a great increase in germs of negative grame such as the E. Coli bacilli and E. Coli. As well as this, there was a significant increase in the solution of EMB.
As for the samples on which Allah’s name was mentioned, there was no noticeable microbiological growth at all, neither in the Blood Base Agar solution, nor in the EMB solution or Nutritive Agar solution.
Dr Fayez: With the unaided eye, there was a noticeable difference between the meat over which Allah’s name had been pronounced and the other samples, concerning their colour. The first was of a light rose hue, whilst the other was a dark bluish red. These are tissular plagues related to sections of cow meat. This is the meat over which the words ‘Allah is Greater’ was pronounced. It was kept tissularly in profile plaques. This is the flesh over which the statement was not mentioned. These are other plaques of bird flesh. The one pointed at is the meat over which the divine statement had been said. Its colour is light and clear, whereas the meat over which these words had not been said is a darker colour than the first.
This is a tissular section under the microscope. The one on the right is cow meat over which Allah’s name was pronounced. It is noticed that no phlogistic cells were found in it and there are only a few red cells. This section belongs to the meat over which the statement was not said. There are phlogistic cells and a large number of red cells. This is a section of chicken meat over which the statement had been said. We can see in this picture the rarity of the phlogistic white cells and red cells in comparison with the tissue of the meat over which such words had not been pronounced.
Dr Nabeel: Thus, we conclude that the effect of pronouncing ‘Allah is Greater’ is miraculous and this reality will cause scientific astonishment.
How does this carcass over which the words were said have meat that is sterilized? Whereas the blood of the carcass over which Allah’s name was not said remains within so that in most cases this flesh is clearly and obviously full of germs.
Commentator: The findings were more than amazing. They even surprised the researchers themselves, who never expected that the effect of this simple statement, ‘Allah is Greater’, would be on such a wide and important level.
Dr Marwan Al-Sabe’: All the blood and tissular tests were in favour of the divine statement. The meat over which ‘Allah is Greater’ was pronounced was pure, clean of any pollution and any mark of blood blotches, germs or microbe colonies. As regards the meat over which the statement had not been said, following the blood and tissular tests and with the displayed pictures we can see the samples were infected and polluted to an extreme extent that cannot be neglected or disregarded.
We had to put this to the test, for testing is the most potent proof of what we say. We have the tissular sections and the anatomical sections as well as the laboratory and blood analysis which proves that there is a great difference between the meat over which the words ‘Allah is Greater’ were pronounced and the meat over which it was not. Then, since we live in an age where people don’t accept anything except after placing it in tests, and obtaining evidence and proof, so we can practically say that we may now know the truthfulness of this strange phenomenon. All of use and all mankind feel astonished at the significant difference between the samples over which the words ‘Allah is Greater’ were pronounced and those over which it was not.
Part 2
As soon as the team of the medical and laboratory research had declared these amazing findings, the media began to pay attention to this unprecedented medical discovery.
London Radio as the first station to transmit and broadcast this news. Here is a part of what was transmitted, as declared by the research team:
“… reading and hearing about the enormous cry raised by the Damascene scholar Mohamed Amin Sheikho, signs spread all over the streets calling the Syrian people to check the sources of the meat they eat and the way in which the animals were slaughtered. Our newswoman in Damascus, Salwa Al-Istwani, saw these signs and sent us the following message: “These words were written on large notices covering the streets and published through tapes so as to spread the news of a medical discovery based on God’s wisdom. The Damascene scholar Mohamed Amin Sheikho was the first to draw attention to the situation as modern life began to diminish certain characteristics of Islam. His medical discovery concerns the way of slaughtering animals, which can be eaten after pronouncing the statement, ‘Allah is Greater’, at the moment of slaughtering.”
A French station also transmitted the findings of this discovery, in French, to the countries of the European Union. This caused the largest centre for chicken slaughtering in the French city of Tolouse to take up these findings and employ a man to pronounce the name of Allah over each carcass to be slaughtered there.
The news of this exciting discovery spread through all news agencies, newspapers, as well as local, Arabic and international magazines. In addition, Arabic and international satellite stations had interviews with Abdul Qadir Al-Dayrani and the members of the medical team, which shed further light on their findings. The researchers published their results in a book dedicated to Mohamed Amin Sheikho, under the title of ‘Allah is Greater: Be kind to animals’.
Professor Abdul-Kadir: A man may ask, ‘How can an abstract group of words cause a tangible effect that is both noticeable and practical? What is the secret hidden beyond the words ‘Allah is Greater’ so that it makes the meat of carcasses sterilized and free of blood?’ I say, in our world when the Almighty God offered his trust to all spirits, as the Noble Quran indicates when it says: “We offered the trust to the heavens, earth and mountains and they refused to bear it”, why did they refuse? “For they feared it.” They feared to fail and then the fire of sorrow, regret and loss would flame inside them. “Man bore it”, he said “Oh provider, it is mine.”
At that time the universe and all the creatures in it accepted to be subject and servant to man, especially the cattle and birds which chose to sacrifice their bodies for man who had undertaken to the bear the trust of God. So to be grateful for this great sacrifice man should return charity for charity by pronouncing the name of his provider loudly when slaughtering these animals so as to give them a lift, elevating them from their spiritual worldly bliss to a more exalted and sublime one.
The Almighty says in the Al-Hajj surah, “… so as to pronounce the name of Allah over the animals which he has granted them.”
In fact, when they put off their physical garment, their veil will be removed and they will be abstract spirits, all of which are merely sounds, tastes and feelings. They will understand the words ‘Allah is Greater’ in any language of the world. So, when pronouncing ‘In the Name of God, Allah is Greater’ their spirits will fly as a ray up to their creator full of happiness and everlasting delight when looking at the creator of beauty and origin. They will be pleased with his overwhelming generosity, and God will be pleased with them for they have sacrificed their bodies for man who is honoured by Allah. They shake and tremble as they become flooded by the seas of bright light which he bestows on their bodies, making their blood flow out in plentiful amounts and through which any damage is released from their bodies. God says: “Eat of that over which the name of Allah was pronounced.”
Commentator: Some people think that drugging the animal, electrocuting it or making them unconscious by gas before slaughter protects them from convulsions, contractions and the pain of dying. They claim that there are many ways of being kind to animals, whilst the Islamic method has no humanity.
Dr Mohamed Menzalji: Concerning the Islamic method of slaughter and the other ways which are not Islamic, the English scholar Sonten studied them and gave lectures on this subject at Cairo University in 1956. He said that the slaughter that is not Islamic increases the blood pressure of the carcass from 14 to 28, double the normal pressure. This tires the brain and torments the animal, although Westerners keep emphasising that no concussion or contractions take place that may alienate the spirit and cause great anxiety for the animal. In contrast, the Islamic method relaxes the carcass, and lessens the blood pressure from 14 to 0. Thereafter, all the blood is released from the carcass due to the body’s natural contractions, and this results in the rose colour.
Dr Mohra: Some orientalists claim that the Islamic way of slaughter is inhumane. They provide the evidence of contractions and convulsions that the animal suffers when being killed. In fact it is absolutely the opposite. If the Islamic method is performed correctly, it prevents the blood and air from reaching the brain. Thus the animal becomes completely unconscious and loses all feeling. The convulsions that occur are but reflex actions which rid the carcass of all the blood it contains.
Commentator: The effect of pronouncing the words ‘In the Name of God, Allah is Greater’ over the carcass is not confined to the purity and clarity of the meat. There is also an effect on changing the spiritual climate in the slaughterhouse from a state of misery and unhappiness to a state of pleasure and ease. This is what directors and workers in cattle and fowl slaughterhouses have confirmed.
- Marwan Yunis, the director of the Dooma slaughterhouse: Regarding the slaughter, when performing it we noticed that the amount of blood increases so much more when mentioning the words ‘Allah is Greater’. Besides, when we do not pronounce such words, the animals are anxious and become agitated. They are much more comfortable when we pronounce the words.
- A meat-inspector in Dooma: They pronounce the words ‘Allah is Greater’ loudly over each carcass when they slaughter it. It was noticed that when doing this the animal bleeds more and its meat is much lighter. In contrast, if these words are not said, the animal does not bleed enough and its flesh becomes rotten much more easily and in a much shorter period of time.
Dr Saif Al-Deen: I was working in one of the largest slaughterhouses in Syria. When the findings of the research appeared, we soon began to apply them in the place where we work. We were surprised because we had faced a lot of trouble when driving the animals into the slaughter hall. After applying this act we saw the animals entering the hall easily. Previously, feelings of misery and fear had prevailed in the slaughterhouse, but when we began to pronounce the words ‘Allah is Greater’, all these feelings disappeared.
Dr Nabeel: When we went to the slaughterhouse in order to see how the slaughtering acts were performed, we found that the animals which were being driven to be killed were coming submissively as if they were yielding to the fate which Allah had created for them. They were surrendering themselves, and the blood was flowing out of them cleanly and in great amounts, so that it looked as if no blood would remain after pronouncing these words. As for the animals over which these words had not been said, they had to be dragged chained to be slaughtered. Only a small amount of blood was released by them.
Dr Darem: When pronouncing the name of Allah, the slaughter is performed with godliness, calm and humanity. All the workers remember that the name of Allah prevails over everything. So, in this submissive atmosphere, the carcass is affected as little as possible in losing its soul. Consequently, the quality of the muscles made ready for eating are completely undamaged and the amount of bleeding is so plentiful that the amount of germs is minimal. Therefore, the food from these carcasses relieves a great deal of anxiety from the consumer.
In my opinion, the studies performed by the medical team on the effect of pronouncing the name of Allah on a carcass has proved that this meat is completely free of microbes, and the resulting quality is very high.
Commentator: It was proved that the negligence of pronouncing the name of Allah over a carcass made its meat a focus of blood filled with microbes. So what is the opinion of doctors and specialists about the presence of this blood and these microbes within the tissue of the meat? What is the extent of their effect on public health?
Dr Anas: During the years of my studies abroad, I noticed how the patients really improved when they stopped eating meat. The main reason I gave for this was that this meat was not slaughtered according to Islamic custom, in other words it had been slaughtered in another fashion. And after revealing the great importance of pronouncing the words ‘Allah is Greater’ over a carcass, in preventing blood from remaining in the animal and the consequent growth of microbes, it has become clear that this is very much the cause.
So the meat which people stopped eating appeared to be the similar to the meat over which the words ‘Allah is Greater’ had not been said, and in which microbe reproduction had increased to the extent that the amount of toxins and enzymes secreted by germs was considerable. Thus, this meat was the reason for the problems and not the cure for them.
The damage caused by staphylococci to the body is dangerous. They can cause severe infections when attacking the skin, nose, ear and throat, and the death rate may reach 20%, especially amongst patients who suffer immunodeficiency. They may also cause food poisoning as some of these enzymes secreted by the microbes have a high ability to resist heat and pass through the mucous membrane to the stomach. They can reach the intestines as well as pass through the stomach and enter the bloodstream, then reach all parts of the body. These toxins secreted by the staphylococcal germs are of a wide variety and have an ability to decompose the blood and cause toxicity in the white cells that defend the body from disease.
Dr Mehyo: The Islamic way of slaughtering allows the animal to move freely and to consequently bleed in a complete way. Other ways followed in Europe depend on making the animal lose consciousness before the slaughtering. This allows a great deal of blood to stay in the carcass and this is a perfect environment for the multiplication of microbes. When this blood decomposes it produces poisonous compounds that can prosper in a man’s body.
These compounds could be poisonous if they reached the stage of producing free amino acids, and generally the blood contains such simple azotic compounds. These acids may condense and produce further compounds that have a negative effect on a consumer’s health.
Dr Abdul-Razzak Al-Hosain: The recurrent eating of meat over which the words ‘Allah is Greater’ was not pronounced has a accumulative negative effect on a man’s health. It appears to affect the epidermis and indications of its effects are shown in early senility, amongst other results. That is what I noticed in the countries where I was studying.
Commentator: Moreover, when the blood remains in the meat of the carcass over which the name of Allah was not pronounced, it makes it spotted and gives it a bad appearance. Consequently, people will lose business, and such carcasses also decay very quickly whilst being stored. This causes economic damage as well.
Dr Adel Mehyo: Since the blood is the medium for the growth of the microbes, which contains them even when the animal enjoys good health, it may be unable to resist their reproduction after slaughtering as all antibiosis activity stops. This will surely cause the meat to decay in a short time and this lack of quality will be reflected in the meat available for human consumption.
If we leave the blood at normal temperature it will decay within three or four hours. So, what will happen if it exists in an airless environment inside the muscular tissue? This will certainly cause the meat to rot quickly and not fit for human consumption. Consequently, it will be inedible according to all local and international standards.
Commentator: A man may say: ‘How about those who may eat the blood and carcass through necessity when fearing death?’
Professor Abdul-Kadir: The Almighty God legitimizes us to eat the meat of carrion, swine and strangled animals in case of dire necessity, that is when fearing death because of hunger. He (glory to his name) says in the Al-An’am surah, “Why should you not eat that over which the name of Allah was pronounced since he has made plain to you what is forbidden, except when you are constrained?” In another verse He says: “But whoever is consecrated to eat any of these, not intending to sin or transgress, incurs no guilt.”
So this consecrated man who suffers deadly hunger and is about to die as he finds nothing good to eat, except the animals which are forbidden, perhaps lost in the desert with no provisions, or in a famine, God forbid; in such cases, the Almighty has allowed the forbidden for him. He can eat of the carrion because his great hunger and his body’s desperate need for food make his digestive juices too effective. They pour forth with intensity onto the forbidden food. Due to their effect, they can kill any germ or agent no matter what it be.
“Allah is forgiving and merciful”. When he observes that, Almighty God will cure him and protect him by keeping his spirit safe of any qualities which may take hold of it from the eating of such forbidden food out of necessity.
Commentator: But large amounts of meat are not eaten by people except after cooking and exposing them to high temperatures for long periods of time. Does cooking kill these germs?
Dr Anwar: Many germs secrete toxins. These toxins are of two kinds. The first is affected by heat, whilst the other resists it. Accordingly, cooking the meat is of no use concerning the latter of these toxins. In addition, some viruses resist the effects of heat, so the nuclear acid of the virus maintains the ability to cause infection against people who eat the meat over which the name of Allah was not pronounced.
Dr Ziad: In general, animal tissue is regarded as a suitable environment for the growth to germs. The blood is one of the materials that contains a great deal of water as well as food stuffs for the microbes. Therefore it is considered one of the best mediums for helping germs to grow and multiply.
From among the germs which can grow inside tissue, we can highlight the golden staphylococci which can normally be found on the surface of a man’s body, in the upper respiratory tracts and in the alimentary canal. When these germs have a chance to multiply in the meat of animals they move to man through the consumption of this meat. Different pathological symptoms appear, especially alimentary ones caused by the toxins of these germs – that is the poison which these germs secrete and which resists the heat. Thus, exposing such meat to high temperatures when cooking does not destroy this toxin nor does it prevent the appearance of pathological symptoms upon the person who consumes this meat.
Commentator: Also, there are some who think that freezing, cooling and exposing meat to low temperatures for long periods of time ensures the removal of germs and agents that cause disease.
Dr Rifa’ei: If a part of blood remains in the carcass, the germ in the blood will continue to function when the meat is used again, even if it is placed in a refrigerator for a long time. There are a great number of these germs which are not removed unless all the blood is released from the carcass. It seems that the medical team interested in this subject of pronouncing the name of Allah over an animal when slaughtering it, found that a substantial part of the blood, if not all of it, is removed in this situation. This means that we receive a good carcass and storing it in a refrigerator later on prevents the growth of germs.Why do we say “prevents the growth of germs”? This is because it is known that the blood is one of the best mediums which allow the growth of germs.
Then, if the blood, or a small amount of it remains inside the animal it will give the chance for a great many germs, especially the opportunist pathological ones, which exist in the body such as staphylococcus and streptococcus, which causes diarrhoea. If any blood stays in the carcass these germs may also remain, even if the meat is subject to cooling and even freezing.
Many people think that cooling and freezing kills microbes whereas this is not correct. When the meat of a carcass which still contains blood is taken out to be eaten, the microbes return to their normal temperature and they resume activity.
Commentator: A question may strike someone: “How does man eat fish although they die suffocated when coming out of the water? They are not slaughtered like cattle and fowl? Does their blood remain in their bodies? Do we eat, then, this blood in our food?
Dr Jamal: To save themselves from suffocation when coming out of the water, the blood in fish flows from all parts of their bodies to the gills which are placed in the head. As usual, we cut off the head of the fish which contains the gills. This act causes the body of the fish to be completely free of blood, and therefore no longer a suitable medium for the growth of germs. We therefore get meat which is exactly pure and empty of any causes of disease. This matter explains how we do not need to slaughter the fish in the Islamic way.
Commentator: Some people claim that saying the words ‘In the Name of God’ before starting to eat serves just as well as pronouncing the words ‘Allah is Greater’ at the time of slaughter. Others say that the matter is the duty of the slaughterer and his responsibility. So, “do not care about this case, and feel relaxed when eating.” I wonder, are these claims right?
Part 3
Professor Abdul-Kadir: We, as an Islamic nation, have been taught by the Messenger to say ‘In the Name of God’ before eating and drinking. The purpose and wisdom beyond this is to remind people of the God’s grace so that we may praise him and love him. It is one of the ways leading to faith which every man should adopt.
Yet the Almighty has forbidden us to eat that over which the name of Allah was not pronounced. He says: “Do not eat of that over which the name of Allah was not pronounced.” So if the matter had been as mentioned in the claim ‘say “In the Name of God” then eat’, the verses would not have been stated in such a form and the Almighty would have ordered us to pronounce the name of Allah over what we eat. Consequently, there would be no need for this forbidding.
Moreover, the words ‘was not pronounced’ are in the past tense, and the subject is expressed in the passive voice, that is ‘who performed the slaughter’. And when God says in Al-An’am surah: “Why do you not eat of that over which the name of Allah was pronounced, since he has made it plain to you what he has forbidden you?”, this means that the people had forbidden themselves to eat from the carcass over which the name of Allah was pronounced. They were doing this on their own initiative. They were not eating a carcass belonging to people of scripture. But the Almighty clarified to them that if the name of Allah was pronounced over the animal when slaughtering, eating it would be lawful. God says: “The food of the people of the book is lawful unto you, and yours unto them.” That is because they pronounce the name of Allah over the carcass and so do you.
Commentator: Pronouncing the name of Allah over the carcass took many forms which became widespread in our societies, such as writing the words ‘Allah is Greater’ on the walls, pronouncing the words ‘Allah is Greater only once over all the animals which are prepared for slaughtering, or using a tape recorder which repeats the name of Allah, and others. So what is the right and truth in that?
Professor Abdul-Kadir: Animals have hearing, feelings and sensations. They also have special languages amongst each other. They live in worlds with their own rules. In the Al-An’am surah, God says: “All the beasts that roam the earth and all the birds that take flight are communities like your own.” So if we substituted the human spirit for a tape recorder which repeats the name of Allah during the slaughtering these animals will know it is a machine, and the machine does not transmit the feelings, sensations or status of man.
Yet when a man who has spirit and a soul pronounces the name of Allah while performing the slaughter, his spirit will line up with that of the carcass. God says: “Pronounce over them the name of Allah to be in line.” Thus your spirit will line up with that of this carcass and feel its bliss when it flies happily up to its provider, without feelings of pain or the torture of death. So it is if we put on the walls signs on which it is written ‘In the Name of God. Allah is Greater.”
Does the carcass hear anything that makes it remember its pledge to Allah, so that its spirit can enter his presence? And if we pronounce the name of Allah only once over the animals to be slaughtered, it will be of little use since only the first animal who hears the words ‘Allah is greater’ will get the benefit. So, when its spirit reaches the other world it will be able to understand any language, and therefore it may enter into God’s presence forgetting the pain of slaughter. The other carcasses however will be deprived of this.
The Quranic verses specify that these words should be pronounced over each carcass. God says: “Do not eat of that over which the name of Allah was not pronounced.” In Arabic, the word ‘which’ indicates the singular, so Almighty God specifies ‘over it’ and does not say ‘over them’. This has been confirmed by the research team, and the studies performed by the physicians concerning this case, of pronouncing the words ‘In the Name of God. Allah is greater’ over a carcass when slaughtering it.
Dr Marwan Al-Sabe’: I would like to concentrate on the case of pronouncing the words ‘In the Name of God. Allah is greater.’ What was proved by tangible and irrefutable evidence is that these words should be pronounced over each carcass and not over the flock as a whole, nor over just the first carcass or the last one, nor only writing it in the slaughterhouse. The slaughterer should pronounce the words loudly with his own tongue.
Commentator: The ways are many whereas the aim is one, to kill the animal in order to obtain the benefits of its meat as food. Some kill it by shooting it in the head, others by electrocuting it, and others by strangling it in order to keep the blood it contains. Yet all these ways share in making the blood remain inside the animal’s body which provides a rich pasture for germs to grow.
Dr Menzalji: It was mentioned that the difference between the Islamic method of slaughtering and that which is not Islamic, i.e. Western, is that the blood remains inside the carcass. When electrocuting the animal and striking the back part of the cow’s head so as to destroy the nerve, kinetic and sensory centres of the brain, the carcass will not be able to release the blood inside it as it becomes motionless after beating and suspension. Also, the blood will congest inside the body and this appears clear when skinning the animal, as we can see the surface blood vessels and veins. So when slaughtering the animal, or taking part of its meat, the blood will jet out like a spring, because it does not come out of the carcass when it becomes motionless. The Islamic method, in contrast, keeps causing the body to contract until the last drop of blood is released.
Therefore, when the Western carcass is prepared they never use it for cooking until storing it in a refrigerator for 24 hours, in order to kill any germs it contains and prevent any increase in bacteria. Cooking is not permitted for 24 hours; only after this period can the consumer use the carcass. The meat also looks congested and dark in colour when being stored, whilst the Islamic carcass is rose-coloured – that is what the Islamic method results in.
Dr Fuad: Concerning the use of electricity, two ways were performed. One using a current of low power, about 75 volts, and another using about 250 volts. This way results in some difficulties for the animal, for example, sometimes the animal dies when it is electrocuted, and sometimes bleeding occurs in the brain, bowels or muscles. This bleeding has a negative effect on the quality of the meat as it makes it lose its ability to be stored, and consequently decays in a short time. As for the third way, using a gun, this has two dangers. The first is for the workers and the other is to the brain which is damaged. No use can be got from this method as bleeding may occur in the brain and tissue surrounding it.
Thus, when comparing Islamic slaughter with other methods, such as the gun, electrocution or gas, we find that the Islamic way enables greater bleeding, more movement of the animal, and consequently, the motion of the front and back legs when undergoing slaughter causes the animal to bleed more and release more blood. The carcass will be in better condition when compared with those prepared in other ways concerning the bleeding, and it will be healthier to eat as a result.
Commentator: During one of the visits which the medical research team made to one of the bird slaughter houses, they were surprised to come across a grisly sight. They found workers not pronouncing the name of Allah when performing the slaughter. Moreover, they saw the birds being heaped into barrels over each other which caused some to die by strangulation before the actual slaughtering. Other workers killed the animals with the legs tied causing their movement to be completely blocked, and consequently they were unable to release the blood inside their bodies.
Dr Adel Mehio: When we visited the slaughterhouses of the large animals and the birds we noticed that many of the workers were not pronouncing the name of Allah when killing the animals. Besides, the slaughter was performed after binding the animals, restricting its movement. I also mention a further point that I saw in the slaughterhouses of the birds, especially the smaller ones where the worker kills the animal, then directly places it in a barrel. He piles up the animals on top of each other before they are completely dead. This act causes a great deal of blood to remain inside the bodies.
Therefore, wishing to get healthy meat products we advise these workers to perform the slaughter in the regular Islamic way and not to pile the birds on top of each other, and to pronounce the name of Allah at the moment of slaughtering, relying on the results discovered by the group of esteemed researchers in our country.
Professor Abdu-Kadir: The noblest of the creatures says: “If you slaughter, slaughter well. The one of you should sharpen his knife and relax his carcass.” When slaughtering an animal and pronouncing the name of Allah over it, the creature will get excited. The excitement is reflected in the movement of the body which releases all the blood and thereby it becomes pure and clean. Here the animal feels peaceful as the pain of death turns into pleasure. It does not feel pain, on the contrary, it feel delight out of meeting Him, “praise be to his beauty”. By God, this is the most sublime meaning of being kind with animals.
But when we prevent it from moving freely after slaughter, some of its blood will remain therein so that we consumers will be affected by disease. God says in the Al-Hajj surah: “… and when their sides have become motionless, eat of their flesh.” Truthful are the words of the great God.
Reciter: “And there are cattle over which they do not pronounce the name of Allah, thus inventing a lie about Him. They will be punished for these lies.”
Commentator: Recently the world was facing was of its most serious moments. Large numbers of cows were affected by Mad Cow disease. This subject covered the entire world and the news was filled with such stories day and night. It was followed by the foot-and-mouth epidemic, then chicken plague.
During the successive epidemics and when the experts of this age were lost, and worry was about to kill the breeders of cattle and fowl who were wringing their hands in grief, the merciful God made his first call and showed his real existence. Therefore Mohamed Amin Sheikho of Damascus raised his voice. This call then became international, the call of an enlightened man who granted cattle and fowl words which were light on the tongue and connected to Paradise. It overwhelms the cattle with permanent floods of light making miracles happen.
Professor Abdul-Kadir: The Almighty has told us the story of the ant with our Master Suleiman. He says: “An ant said: ‘Go into your dwellings, ants, lest Suleiman and his warriors should unwittingly crush you’.” How could it know that our Master Suleiman was coming with a large army from some distance away? Was it by satellite or radio? How could it describe the mercy which settled in the hearts of the warriors and caused them never to crush an animal wittingly? They are believers. This compassion is to be found in the hearts of those who believe.
In Britain, the pigeon stands on people’s shoulders and heads, and eats from their hands, because they are sure no one will hurt them. Also, in Syria the pigeon are not afraid of approaching humans because the people here have a special leniency toward this species. In contrast, finches and other birds dare not approach as they know people will harm them. This perception or characteristic enables the animals to realize that the man whom they have been created for and whom they have sacrificed their bodies and spirits for, does not pronounce the name of Allah when slaughtering them. He leaves them to suffer intense pain and torment. Therefore, they will feel miserable and distressed, and become spiritually unbalanced. This exposes them to attack from fatal disease. So, that which is happening in a world of epidemics nowadays, such as Mad Cow disease, Foot-and-Mouth, chicken plague and others, is evidence of this.
Here in Syria, when the findings of our research appeared and became known, people began to pronounce the name of Allah over carcasses. At that time, chickens were being attacked by chicken plague. Suddenly, this disease disappeared and no more was seen of it at all. We even tried to find a case to complete our study by pronouncing the words ‘Allah is Greater’ over it, but not such case could be found. This is because the animals and birds knew that pronouncing the name of Allah had spread, and prevailed. This reassured them and set their spirits at ease. Consequently, the defence systems became activated, and could destroy the disease in Syria.
Now nobody can deny the importance of pronouncing the name of Allah over carcasses, neither out of ignorance, nor through a lack of sincerity. The matter became clear after performing the research undertaken by the Syrian team. He who falls victim to pain and agonizing disease has no excuse at all.
Dr Marwan Al-Sabe’: In fact, after the brilliant results which appeared in the tissue, germ and blood analyses, achieved in trustworthy and recognised laboratories, who dares to eat even one piece of meat over which the words ‘In the Name of God. Allah is Greater’ were not pronounced? Or even feed it to his chicken? The meat over which these words were not said is full of blood and may cause a great many diseases. Also, it is full of germs and toxins which cause significant damage to man. Moreover, the quality of the meat is poor. According to this, we can say frankly that meat over which these words were not said is not good for human consumption.
Dr Samir: If this matter did not have importance, the heavenly statutes would not insist with urgency on the necessity of this practice. So the research performed by the Syrian medical team in revealing the advantages of pronouncing the name of Allah over carcasses, causes us to appeal to all people around the world to adhere to this Godly command, whose benefits have been scientifically proven by the latest methods. They must do this to protect their health, and to ensure their children enjoy good health, safe from disease and suffering.
Professor Abdul-Kadir: I will mention a summary about the life of the great scholar Mohamed Amin Sheikho who spent his precious lifetime achieving great things, with the virtue he planted in the hearts of many others, and with the knowledge of God, without which the heart cannot feel reassured. The books of this scholar have spread all over the world and are derived from the Holy Quran which is full of light. He did not deviate a hair’s breadth from the words of God, ‘glory and praise be to him’.
Commentator: The Arabic scholar Mohamed Amin Sheikho was born in 1890 in Damascus. His father was a merchant. Although orphaned, he was characterized by his patience through the difficulties of life and the trying circumstances that befell his small family. Due to his noble lineage, going back to the progeny of the Prophet Mohamed, he was able to study in the Turkish Royal Academy, known as ‘Anbar’, in Damascus. He graduated as a security officer, and having attained authority over the police stations in Damascus and its suburbs, peace took hold over this area.
Due to his bravery and fearlessness, he was known as ‘Aslan’, a Turkish word meaning ‘lion’. Moreover, criminals feared his courage, and begged him for justice and mercy. His unswerving allegiance to justice was well-known, and he was indispensable to the rebels as they fought for freedom during the reign of the Turkish state, and following that, the French Mandate.
Mr Salah-Sheikho: My father, may God have mercy on him, was not a leader in a mosque who contents himself with merely words. He entered the war and crushed the havens of criminality. He placed his soul in danger in order to turn the fear of Damascus into peace, to destroy oppression under Turkish colonialism, and to establish justice and peace throughout the city. From this Royal Academy my father, the scholar Mohamed Amin Sheikho, may God have mercy on him, graduated.
I address my full thanks and gratitude to Professor Abdul-Kadir Al-Dayrani who undertook the faithful publication of all my father’s books. I also thank the doctors for publishing this important research. I heard my father warning people time after time about neglecting to mention the words ‘Allah is Greater’ over a carcass. May God have compassion for him and provide him with the best reward for his acts.
Commentator: And so he continued, until independence was achieved. Then Mohamed Amin Sheikho turned to his scientific research in order to enlighten people’s minds, put an end to their ignorance which had placed a barrier between people and their provider. His lifetime was a demonstration of the great things he achieved. He was a lamp which lit the way for future generations, until he died at dawn of Rabi’ Al-Akher, in 1384 A.H. His body was buried in the cemetery of God’s prophet Thi-Al-Kifl in Salahiyya Street in Damascus.
Many books were dedicated to the great scholar, as well as much scientific research in all subjects, especially that which concerned the pronouncing of the name of Allah over animals to be slaughtered. Before this, Mohamed Amin Sheikho was able to bring further science to light through his book ‘The Marvellous Medicine’.
Professor Abdul-Kadir: At last, we wish to address a call to everyone, all meat institutions and to cattle and bird breeders across the world, that we are completely ready to participate in applying the results of this research on all animals, so as to help the eradication of any disease, epidemic or threat that attacks livestock.
Commentator: So, you who seek the truth, everything has a form and a reality. The form alone is not enough without the reality. The reality of pronouncing the name of the creator over a creature to be slaughtered is undeniably good, whereas neglecting this practice is an evil. Let us turn again to the correct way, and return to pronouncing the words ‘Allah is Greater’ over a carcass. This is better than continuing to do nothing. So, when God commanded us to pronounce these words through his holy books, he granted us a loving recommendation for our care and protection, and our children’s physical and spiritual health.
Dr Abdul-Razzak Al-Hosain: This is a great demonstration of the secret of pronouncing the name of Allah over animals to be slaughtered, brought to us by the great scholar Mohamed Amin Sheikho, the first man to care for man’s health and the master of those who call for kindness toward animals. Nothing proves the truthfulness of the humanity of this great scholar, more than the cupping, that medical operation which he brought to light when he revealed its strict rules, which helped me get rid of a tumour that afflicted me. Now I am completely cured of this disease. Praise be to God by virtue of this discovery which has raised our lovely home ‘Syria’ to the top of the world.
The End
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